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Alzheimer's Disease

From Helen D. Davies

Book Informations

  • Released: 2011-09-01
  • Pages: 160
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1886039992
  • ISBN-13:9781886039995


Tailored for those coping with an all-too-common ailment, this helpful handbook gently navigates through the most relevant topics surrounding Alzheimer's disease. Recognizing that a diagnosis of Alzheimer's can leave the victims and their loved ones frightened, worried, and consumed with questions, this reference provides useful answers to some of the most frequently asked queries, including "What causes Alzheimer's disease? How can this disease be treated? How will Alzheimer's disease affect my relationships? Will I be able to continue to work? "and" How long will I remain independent? "Providing techniques for dealing with the inevitable emotional duress that accompanies the illness, this study also features a section on addressing financial and legal matters.




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