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Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Law

From Colin Manchester

Book Informations

  • Released: 2008-06-30
  • Pages: 1024
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1134099991
  • ISBN-13:9781134099993


This comprehensive and authoritative guide to licensing law is co-authored by the UK’s only professor of licensing law and two eminent licensing practitioners. It provides a detailed exposition and contextual analysis of the legal provisions governing the licensing of alcohol and entertainment under the Licensing Act 2003, encompassing both the legislative and decision-making framework of the Act as well as its implications for human rights. Fully updated and revised, it covers the various forms of authorization for licensable activities and licence and certificate conditions that might be attached as well as the enforcement and appeal provisions of the Act. This new edition, building on the highly acclaimed original work published in 2005, includes subsequent legislative changes and case law decisions. New additions to this edition include: expanded coverage of enforcement provisions and police powers a revised and extended chapter on appeals, in light of the practical and procedural developments that have evolved in the appeal process amendments to existing regulations and the revised Statutory Guidance issued in 2007. This book is essential reading for all local authorities, legal advisers, licensing policy advisors, operators and the police as well as those applying for licences.




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