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Ruby on Rails 2.3 Tutorial

From Michael Hartl

Book Informations

  • Released: 2010-11-01
  • Pages: 720
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:0132599856
  • ISBN-13:9780132599856


The Ruby on Rails 2.3 Tutorial teaches web development with Ruby on Rails, an open-source web framework that powers many of the web's top sites, including Twitter, Hulu, and the Yellow Pages. Ruby on Rails 2.3 Tutorial helps you learn Rails by example through the development of a substantial sample application, including a site layout, a user data model, a full registration and authentication system, user-status associations, social "following," and a feed of status updates. Ruby on Rails 2.3 Tutorial also teaches good software development practices, including version control with Git and GitHub, test-driven development with RSpec, and instant deployment with Heroku. Though of necessity the book focuses on a specific sample application, the emphasis throughout this book is on general principles, so you will have a solid foundation no matter what kind of web application you want to build.




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