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Fundamentalists in the City

From Margaret Lamberts Bendroth

Book Informations

  • Released: 2005-07-14
  • Pages: 260
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:0198038771
  • ISBN-13:9780198038771


Fundamentalists in the City is a story of religious controversy and division, set within turn of the century and early twentieth-century Boston. It offers a new perspective on the rise of fundamentalism, emphasizing the role of local events, both sacred and secular, in deepening the divide between liberal and conservative Protestants. The first part of the narrative, beginning with the arrest of three clergymen for preaching on the Boston Common in 1885, shows the importance of anti-Catholicism as a catalyst for change. The second part of the book deals with separation, told through the events of three city-wide revivals, each demonstrating a stage of conservative Protestant detachment from their urban origins.




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