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Management of Patients with Pseudo-Endocrine Disorders

From Michael T. McDermott

Book Informations

  • Released: 2019-09-26
  • Pages: 351
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:3030227200
  • ISBN-13:9783030227203


Comprised of illustrative clinical cases, this unique pocket guide presents descriptions of patients who have symptoms, physical signs or laboratory abnormalities that they believe are due to disorders of the endocrine system (hormone secreting glands and overall metabolism) but which are not, or probably are not, due to an endocrine disorder. These are common situations in the clinical practice of endocrinology. Each chapter includes clinical cases illustrating differing presentations and outcomes, and each individual case description is followed by a discussion that includes the differential diagnosis of these symptoms, signs and/or lab abnormalities and why they are not likely due to endocrine disease or, alternatively, why and how a deeper exploration for endocrine disorders might be needed. In all cases, an emphasis is placed on listening to the patient and providing a respectful and compassionate response and approach to evaluation and management of the proposed disorder. Discussions are referenced whenever reference material is available, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are presented whenever applicable. Topics discussed include chronic and adrenal fatigue, obesity, anxiety and depression, sweating and flushing, alcohol- and opioid-induced symptoms, low testosterone, pseudo-hypoglycemia and pseudo-Cushing's syndrome, among others. Clinical endocrinologists, primary care physicians and related allied medical professionals will find Management of Patients with Pseudo-Endocrine Disorders a valuable resource in their clinical practice with these common but often challenging patients.




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