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Baseball in the Movies

From Hal Erickson

Book Informations

  • Released: 1992
  • Pages: 402
  • Language: en


Since the first baseball movie (Little Sunset) was released in 1915, Hollywood has had an on-again, off-again affair with the sport. The resulting relationship has produced a wide array of films, some good (Field of Dreams, Pride of the Yankees), some obscure (Roogie's Bump, Hot Curves) and some flops (The Slugger's Wife, The Babe Ruth Story).This is a detailed look at the 81 baseball films released from 1915 through 1991. Each entry includes full cast and production credits, year of release, production company, a synopsis, and a critique of the movie. Behind-the-scenes and background information is included.A separate section examines baseball short subjects and baseball in nonbaseball films. An extensive bibliography completes the work.




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