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Hope for All and the Earthly Ball

From Christopher Dunn

Book Informations

  • Released: 2014-06-11
  • Pages: 42
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1499142277
  • ISBN-13:9781499142273


"Safe, happy, equal and free, this is how life is meant to be!""Safe, happy, equal and free" is the refrain that Save the World Dog learns from Earthly Actions, a global creature who stars in this story which teaches a secret code that fosters harmony.Children go on a journey to learn about the big four values: the value of life, liberty, happiness and equality. Save the World Dog makes the learning fun and interesting from cover to cover, keeping children's attention while imparting world-caring wisdom, leaving them singing - at least in their heads, "safe, happy, equal and free, this is how life is meant to be."




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