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PHP Object-Oriented Solutions

From David Powers

Book Informations

  • Released: 2008-09-24
  • Pages: 392
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1430210125
  • ISBN-13:9781430210122


With the surge of popularity of PHP 5, object-oriented programming is now an important consideration for PHP developers. This version-neutral book is a gentle introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) that won't overburden you with complex theory. It teaches you the essential basics of OOP that you'll need to know before moving onto a more advanced level, and includes a series of prepackaged scripts that you can incorporate into your existing sites with the minimum of effort. It shows how object-oriented programming can be used to create reusable and portable code by walking you through a series of simple projects. The projects feature the sorts of things developers run up against every day, and include a validator for filtering user input, a simple Date class that avoids the need to remember all the esoteric format codes in PHP, and an XML generator. Teaches the fundamentals of OOP Simple projects show how OOP concepts work in the real world Prepackaged scripts can easily be added to your own projects




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