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From Jody R. LaGreca

Book Informations

  • Released: 2013-05-01
  • Pages: 197
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1611603951
  • ISBN-13:9781611603958


Psychic vampire, Daniel Peck, lives on with vengeance and movie star madness in this sequel to BLOODLESS by Michael McCarty (Bram Stoker finalist) and Jody R. LaGreca. Witness the illicit saga which leads to Marilyn Monroe's untimely demise and more in this twisted tale of glamour and seduction. Beware of kisses in the dark and the echo of eternity — which bears the curse of Daniel. Uncover the mystery of The Stardust Inn and the love triangle between Daniel, hotel proprietor, Annie Julliard, and her sister Vicki — while the Omni powerful Veronica, who has Daniel beneath her spell, has her own agenda. Meanwhile, FBI agent, Ronald Barrett, has been chasing Daniel down for over three decades for slaughtering his mother. Not your cookie cutter vampire tale, BLOODLUST is infused with horror, history and romantic suspense. It will illuminate your senses and take you to uncharted worlds beyond the imagination. "I found it a diabolical touch that Michael McCarty and Co-author Jody LaGreca in their new book Bloodlust introduced legendary Marilyn Monroe into the tapestry of their horror novel. From the moment Monroe enters the early scenes of this strangely compelling novel to the final seconds when we find ourselves following the quiet movements of a black cat named Midnight. I predict you will be unable to put down Bloodlust. That's right, until you see it through to its very end. In a strange and mysterious way I have found my appetite increasing for their brilliant entree into vampires." -- The Amazing Kreskin, Worlds Foremost Mentalist "Michael McCarty and Jody LaGreca are masters at blending the macabre with the ordinary, the monster with the everyman with their vampire novel Bloodless. They can make a horrific killer seem quite affable, a dinner of barbecued human parts palatable, and a slit throat in lovemaking exquisitely erotic. McCarty and LaGreca write with inexplicably gruesome charm evident in Bloodless." - Patricia J. Espoito, author of the vampire novel Beside The Darker Shore "Authors Michael McCarty and Jody R. LaGreca have created a lovable roque in their character Daniel Peck, whose life is just about perfect until his former lover, Veronica shows up. Bloodless is a well written, fun read for horror and vampire fans everywhere." -Joan Mauch, author of Halifax




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