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Tommy Powers and the Sage of the Calibrators

From David Drake

Book Informations

  • Released: 2005-01
  • Pages: 232
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1885631898
  • ISBN-13:9781885631893


BOOK ONE Tommy Powers (an almost 13 year old orphan) has never really been what you would call a typical kid, but when he meets the ancient Sage who helps him discover his awesome super powers there can be no doubt about it! He learns that he belongs to a race of special beings - the Calibrators - whose secret mission in life is to keep the World safe from evil forces. In Book One the wise old Sage (and his 13 year old alter ego, Gus) help Tommy learn to control and use his magical abilities. In the process, he comes face to face with Antipathy - an evil being with super powers who is intent on destroying mankind. With no help at hand, inexperienced Tommy has to handle the villain alone. Tommy has lots of adventures and numerous, interesting, discussions with his friends about growing up, and what it really means to be happy and to live a good life. (There is even a little romance for the older readers!)




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