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Advances in Cryogenic Engineering

From K. D. Timmerhaus

Book Informations

  • Released: 2013-03-08
  • Pages: 513
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1468431080
  • ISBN-13:9781468431087


Support from the National Science Foundation has made it possible for the tenth annual Cryogenic Engineering Conference, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and capably directed by K. R. Atkins and his staff, to emphasize the major international advances in cryogenic engineering. This specific emphasis resulted in a final program of over one hundred papers and has made it necessary to publish the proceedings of the conference in two volumes. The first volume will be similar in nature to previous volumes in this series, while the second volume will feature the international aspect of the conference program. The latter volume, because of this distinction, will be entitled International Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. As in the past, the Cryogenic Engineering Conference Committee gratefully acknow ledges the assistance of all the dedicated workers in the cryogenic field who have contributed their time in reviewing the preliminary papers for the program and the final manuscripts for this volume. Since the list of participants in this thankless task numbers well over one hundred, any attempt to acknowledge their individual contributions in the limited space available would be practically impossible.




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