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Mark Bates on Go Web Frameworks and Techniques

From Mark Bates

Book Informations

  • Released: 2015
  • Language: en


"In this third in a series video about how to program with Go, Mark Bates, Go expert extraordinaire, ladles a big helping of the special Go sauce that makes this language so tasty. There is a lot to consume in this serving -- 22 segments -- so settle in for a big meal. Build and test a basic web app in Go, handle and test multi-part file uploads, bundle, access and serve static assets like templates and JavaScript, build a router with TDD, then test Pat and Mux, the popular 3rd party routers, Create a middleware stack for HTTP, use it to understand how Go manages variable context, Render JSON, XML and more with Package, work with EventSource, Goth, Gopher JS, the Revel web framework, HttpRouter, Echo, and go.rice, get more on the ins and outs of JSON encoding/decoding, produce a scalable echo server using Gorilla Web Toolkit's WebSocket, configure Go to serve content over HTTP and HTTPS, build a proxy server to a back-end Rails app."--Resource description page.




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