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Mark Bates on Go Database Frameworks and Tools

From Mark Bates

Book Informations

  • Released: 2015
  • Language: en


"Mark Bates on Go Database Frameworks and Tools is the second video in a series of programs that show you how to program using Go. In this video, Go expert Mark Bates takes you on a practical journey through several critical sections of Go functionality: Working with SQL, SQL Nulls, Radix, CSV and Bolt. Connect to SQL databases from a Go application, using the built-in database/SQL package, map results to structs using the 3rd party SQLX package, learn how to handle null database values, write custom types to handle null values and properly encode/decode them to and from JSON, talk to Redis using Radix, subscribe to Redis messages using Radix pubsub, read and write CSV files using the encoding/CSV package, discover Bolt, the embeddable key/value store in Go applications, use Bolt to iterate over keys and store complex data structures, practice techniques for fine grain control over opening and closing transactions."--Resource description page.




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