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The Killing Place

From Tess Gerritsen

Book Informations

  • Released: 2011-01-06
  • Pages: 443
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:0553820516
  • ISBN-13:9780553820515


HE WATCHES Something terrible has happened in the snowbound village of Kingdom Come, Wyoming. Twelve eerily identical houses stand dark and abandoned. The people who lived in them appear to have vanished, seemingly into thin air. HE WAITS Maura Isles is driving through the area with a group of friends when they find themselves trapped in a snowstorm. They stumble into the abandoned village to take shelter. But their nightmare has only just begun. THEY DISAPPEAR Days later, Jane Rizzoli flies to Wyoming to search for her missing friend. A crashed vehicle has been found with four badly burned bodies still inside. Can one of the corpses be Maura's? Jane's hunt for the truth leads her to Kingdom Come. Where the person who was watching Maura now lies waiting for her ...




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