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Mainstreaming Sustainable Architecture

From Ed Paschich

Book Informations

  • Released: 2001
  • Pages: 126
  • Language: en


"Sustainable Architecture" is a term that groups together a number of approaches to architecture that choose materials and techniques that can be maintained for the long-term without exhausting non-renewable resources. Mainstreaming Sustainable Architecture illustrates a systems approach to design and construction in which the various components--such as passive solar techniques, earth air conditioning, vapor-permeable ceilings, and cellulose insulation--operate synergistically to achieve environmental goals. This case study of Casa de Paja (House of Straw) demonstrates that many elements of sustainable architecture can be incorporated without sacrificing sophisticated design and without added expense. While no technical background is needed to understand the principles behind sustainable design, architects and engineers will find enough detail in the drawings and appendices to adapt these techniques to their own construction.




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